
Rss importer
Rss importer

rss importer

Once you have created the RSS Feed simply click on Save then test if it’s been created correctly. Once the plugin is activated click on Pipes in the WordPress Dashboard and then Add New.Įverything is self-explanatory in the RSS Feed creation page. This plugin can be downloaded from the official WordPress website or directly from the WordPress Dashboard. You can use all the features it offers, without any limitations. The main reason why this plugin is popular is the fact that there is no premium version and it is completely free. This plugin works exactly like Yahoo Pipes and it simply can: However, once you create the first RSS Feed (Pipe) you will notice how easy and useful is the plugin. The interface this plugin offers is a bit unique and may seem confusing at first. Now either call the RSS Feed with widget, function or shortcode. Finally, make sure to click on Update options to save the changes.

rss importer

In the options menu, you can choose a name for the RSS Feed and enter the RSS Feed URLs that you want on the website. Once the plugin is installed and activated, from the WordPress Dashboard hover over to Settings and click on Category Specific RSS to configure it. This plugin can be downloaded either from the official WordPress website or directly from the WordPress Dashboard. With the Category Specific RSS Feed Subscription plugin, you can add up to 8 different categories of RSS Feed to WordPress.

Rss importer